Chhajed, Dhirendra, Sir padampat Singhania University, India
Vol 7, No 11 (2016): Langlands Program, Mathematical Objects, Mesostratum Physics & Cosmological Models - GR Articles
Bianchi Type-II Dust Cosmological Model in General Relativity
Abstract -
Vol 7, No 13 (2016): Entanglement, Gravity, Dark Energy & Cosmological Models - GR Articles
Homogeneous Bianchi Type VI0 Cosmological Model for Stiff Perfect Fluid in General Relativity
Abstract -
Vol 8, No 7 (2017): Redshift, Planck Action & Spacetime Change with Cosmic Age - GR Articles
Bianchi Type VIII Cosmological Model with Quadratic Equation of State in General Relativity
ISSN: 2153-8301