The Monopolar Quantum Relativistic Electron: An Extension of the Standard Model & Quantum Field Theory (Part 4)
In this paper, a particular attempt for unification shall be indicated in the proposal of a third kind of relativity in a geometric form of quantum relativity, which utilizes the string modular duality of a higher dimensional energy spectrum based on a physics of wormholes directly related to a cosmogony preceding the cosmologies of the thermodynamic universe from inflaton to instanton. In this way, the quantum theory of the microcosm of the outer and inner atom becomes subject to conformal transformations to and from the instanton of a quantum big bang or qbb and therefore enabling a description of the macrocosm of general relativity in terms of the modular T-duality of 11-dimensional supermembrane theory and so incorporating quantum gravity as a geometrical effect of energy transformations at the wormhole scale.
Part 4 of this article series includes: Matter Interacts with Antimatter-based Neutrinos in Majorana-Dirac Electron Capture; CP Violation in the Weak Nuclear Interaction; Matter Interacts with Matter Based Anti-Neutrinos via Superposed VPE-Weakon Action; Matter Interacts with Antimatter-based Neutrinos via Unified Weakon Action; and The Inflaton & the Grand Unification Symmetry in a Transformation of Supermembranes.