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Shnoll Effect Decade Later

Matti Pitkänen


Shnoll and collaborators have discovered strange repeating patterns of random fluctuations of physical observables such as the  number n of nuclear decays in a given time interval. Periodically occurring peaks for the distribution of the  number N(n) of measurements producing n events in a series of  measurements as a function of n is observed  instead of a single peak. The positions of the peaks are not random and the  patterns depend on position and time varying  periodically  in time scales  possibly assignable to Earth-Sun and Earth-Moon gravitational interaction. These observations suggest a modification of the expected probability distributions but  it is very difficult to imagine any physical mechanism in the standard physics framework. Rather, a universal deformation of predicted probability distributions could  be  in question requiring something analogous to the transition from classical physics to quantum physics. TGD  inspired quantum measurement suggests a possible modification based on  finite measurement resolution realized in terms of inclusions of hyper-finite factors of type II1, and  on adelic physics obtained as fusion of real physics and various p-adic physics characterized by primes p.

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